The Drones4STEM Training Platform is an online training programme (MOOC) for teachers aiming to enhance digital and pedagogical skills by focusing on the integration of drone technology within STEM education. The program is structured to build the capacity of teachers, enabling them to effectively operate and program drones for educational purposes, thereby enriching the learning experience.
The overall objective aims for the upskilling of teachers to operate and program drones for educational purposes and enhance the teaching and learning experience in STEM education.
The course is divided into modules, including relevant training contents, presentations, videos, collaboration tools such as wikis, glossaries, forum and an assessment rubric, as well as a collection of resources, applications, exercises and exemplars, each aiming to improve learners’ skills.
Let's get started!
Project Number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000159718
Co-funded by the European Union. The opinions and points of view expressed (in this press release/publication/etc.) commit only the author(s) and not necessarily those of the European Union or of the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE). Neither the European Union or the SEPIE National Agency can be considered responsible for them.
The course will provide teachers with hands-on programming experience, introducing them to programming concepts and teaching coding through Scratch and Python
The course will familiarise teachers with drone technology, software and hardware as well as drone related ethics and safety
The course will assist teachers with developing problem solving skills through engaging challenges
The course will provide a platform for collaboration and communication amongst learners